Our Communities
Communities Dashboard

Homelessness and Poverty
2021: Vermilion has been supporting the Linking Employment Abilities and Development (LEAD) program since 2019. Delivered at the Inglewood Opportunity Hub, a place that provides barrier-free, easy to access services to over 400 youth annually, this specialized program provides vulnerable youth with the opportunity to get and maintain a job, while receiving individualized mental health support.

2.1 End hunger and ensure access by all people to safe, nutritious and sufficient food
Vermilion Contribution -
Our funding focus on homelessness and poverty encompasses several programs that support ending hunger, including our Days of Caring:
Canada: Through our Healthy Start Program, we are ensuring children and youth at ~24 schools in our operating areas have access to healthy, nutritious food, helping fuel their bodies and their minds.
Ireland: Our funding supported much-needed repair work at the Comharchumann Forbartha Cill tSeadhna Teo centre that provides Meals on Wheels to seniors in the community. individualized mental health support.

3.6 Halve global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
Vermilion Contribution -
We established our Global Emergency Responder Program in 2017, to support critical equipment and training needs for emergency medevac and similar services in all of our business units.
In Netherlands, we are proud to support Nederlandse Hartstiching and their emergency responder AED project, helping ensure people have access to emergency medical services.

15.5 Action to reduce degradation of natural habitat, halt the loss of biodiversity and protect and prevent the extinction of threatened species
Vermilion Contribution -
We established our Global Environmental Stewardship Program in 2018 to support community-based conservation initiatives. Through this program, our donations help protect the ecosystems and biodiversity that are important to the communities around our operational areas.
In France, we support the Moussaillons de l’Aiguillon, which provides youth with education around sustainability management of waterways and fisheries.

17.17 Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships
Vermilion Contribution -
We believe in partnering with our communities to better understand their needs and how we can best support them, and to amplify the value of organizations within them. We have key community and civil society partnerships in each of our business units.
Corporate Sustainability Team
The corporate sustainability team provides a centre of excellence approach, advising the business on all aspects of sustainability, including environmental, climate and social issues, based on extensive research and inputs from the business. The team is also responsible for external sustainability reporting, based on data from our HSE, People and financial information systems.

Our Approach To Human Rights
Integrated Sustainability was established in 2015 as one of six Matters of Importance within Vermilion’s business framework, or VET Vision, which we revitalized in 2020-21.

Volunteering Around The World
Integrated Sustainability was established in 2015 as one of six Matters of Importance within Vermilion’s business framework, or VET Vision, which we revitalized in 2020-21.

Our Approach To Communities
Integrated Sustainability was established in 2015 as one of six Matters of Importance within Vermilion’s business framework, or VET Vision, which we revitalized in 2020-21.

Key Community Investment Parternships
Integrated Sustainability was established in 2015 as one of six Matters of Importance within Vermilion’s business framework, or VET Vision, which we revitalized in 2020-21.
Annual Objectives
Working to expand “investing in our communities” to showcase the wider positive economic impact that our operations have - In progress
Working to expand “investing in our communities” to showcase the wider positive economic impact that our operations have Extended to 2021 due to COVID-19 impacts
Develop and launch Global Funding Initiative to support environmental stewardship in all business units. 100% Achieved

Notable Highlights

In our 2019 Great Place to Work annual survey, 86% of staff globally agreed with the statement “I feel good about the ways we contribute to the community.” In addition to the ratings statements, the confidential survey also asks what makes Vermilion a great place to work. Here are a few of the comments related directly to our community support:
What our communities tell us about the program:
“We are honoured to have the special relationship that we do with you, Vermilion Energy, and your employees – many of whom we have welcomed to our sites on your Days of Caring. Your steadfast commitment to the communities where you work and live is inspiring and making children’s mental health a priority speaks to your understanding that it affects every one of us. Thank YOU for helping us Never Give Up on anyone who struggles with mental health.”
Bjorn Johansson, CEO, Wood’s Homes
“With a decade of hands-on volunteering work, there are countless examples of Vermilion’s contributions to St Bart’s. From paving courtyards, gardening, AFL games, building a chicken coop, retreat camps, painting and cleaning, each and every contribution over the past 10 years is very much appreciated and we look forward to the next 10. Our vision is to have a world where everyone has a home, and with Vermilion’s ongoing support we are certainly heading in the right direction. Not only does your volunteering save us money and time, it also makes our consumers feel like they matter and we can’t thank you enough.”
Samantha Drury, Chief Executive Officer, St. Bart’s
Give Back
- Direct cash contribution: to non-profit and charitable organizations
- Additional direct support: in-kind support, such as materials and staff volunteering time during working hours
- Local contributions: event sponsorships, internships and scholarships
- External resources leveraged: staff donations and partner contributions
Give Time
- 113 grants
- 20,993 staff hours volunteered during non-working hours
- $97,572 in grants
Give Together
- 19 Days of Caring
- 640 staff hours during working hours supporting 18 organizations
- Value of $14,510 in cost savings to our partner organizations