The environmental responsibility of oil companies in France

The environmental responsibility of oil companies in France

A strictly supervised activity

Exploration and production of oil and gas is rigorously supervised in France, through some of the most demanding regulations in the world.

While the exploitation of hydrocarbons in France is prohibited in the national parks and natural reserves, it remains compatible with the establishment of regulated zones such as classified sites, Natura 2000 sites or the regional natural parks, as long as the impacts are not likely to compromise the preservation of protected areas and habitats. For more than 60 years, French hydrocarbon facilities have coexisted with remarkable natural environments.

Mandatory steps in the life of an oil well

Engaged in a constant dialogue with the public authorities and those living near their sites, oil and gas companies conduct their activities with respect for French legislation, in particular the law of December 30, 2017 that ends the production of hydrocarbons in France by 2040. 

The regulatory texts governing research and production of oil in France

Thirty-six regulatory texts, including eight directives aimed at protecting the environment, are applicable in Europe to the exploitation of hydrocarbons, guidelines on water, ambient air quality, groundwater, habitat and birds, Seveso III, EIA, REACH, BAT (Best Available Techniques), and constitution of the Natura 2000 network. 

Here is an example of the most important regulations in force in France: 

Other regulations include: 

To have more information about regulations :

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