AFNOR Committed to CSR label

AFNOR Committed to CSR label

AFNOR label "engagé RSE," level confirmed

Vermilion France has achieved level 3 out of 4 on the AFNOR “Engagé RSE” / “CSR Committed” label assessment framework.

Thus, at the end of 2020, Vermilion France obtained the AFNOR label “Engagé RSE- niveau confirmé”, for a period of 3 years. The Engagé RSE label is awarded after an on-site assessment during which stakeholders internal and external to the organization are met and interviewed by AFNOR Certification’s CSR experts with recognized sector expertise.In order to measure its CSR maturity, commitment and performance , Vermilion France has chosen an internationally recognized label, based on a demanding evaluation framework (ISO 26000 standard): the Afnor “Engagé RSE” label. It aims to establish CSR guidelines within all types of organizations and an international framework of behavior, in compliance with major international foundational guides such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the conventions of the International Labor Organization, for example. 

In April 2022, following the mid-term follow-up assessment, Vermilion was proud to maintain this level of performance and is committed to maintaining its efforts as part of a continuous improvement process.

The Engagé RSE / CSR Committed label assesses the level of integration of ISO 26000 principles in the organization’s strategy and management.

“A formal commitment to CSR sends a strong signal: that of an organization that assumes the impacts of its decisions and is committed to the sustainable development of its activities.”

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