Term/Abbreviation | Definition |
API | American Petroleum Institute
bbl(s) | barrel(s) |
bbls/d | barrels per day |
bcf | billion cubic feet |
boe | barrel of oil equivalent, including: crude oil, natural gas liquids and natural gas (converted on the basis of one boe for six mcf of natural gas) |
| barrel of oil equivalent per day |
CBM | coalbed methane
GJ | gigajoules
$m | thousands of dollars
$mm | millions of dollars
mbbls | thousand barrels
mboe | thousand barrels of oil equivalent
mmboe | million barrels of oil equivalent |
mcf | thousand cubic feet
mcf/d | thousand cubic feet per day
mmcf | million cubic feet
mmcf/d | million cubic feet per day
MW | megawatt |
NGLs | natural gas liquids |
NPV | net present value
WTI | West Texas Intermediate |