Wandoo Consultation Activities

Nothing is more important to Vermilion Oil and Gas Australia (Vermilion) than the safety of our people, communities and the protection of our natural surroundings.

We are committed to transparent and respectful engagement with our stakeholders on proposed offshore activities. Our aim is to provide opportunities for relevant persons to participate in the environmental approval process, through our ongoing consultation.

We recognise the importance of making decisions about our future operations that consider feedback from persons whose functions, interests or activities could be impacted by our proposed activities.  

Wandoo Environment Plans

Vermilion has operated the Wandoo field since 2005, located approximately 80 km northwest of Karratha, Western Australia, in Commonwealth waters.

We are preparing to undertake additional offshore activities, including a shallow hazard geophysical and geotechnical survey in 2025 and exploration drilling in 2025/2026. Our operational and development drilling Environment Plans will be updated for submission early 2026. Environment Plans for these activities will be submitted to the National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) for acceptance.

Consultation with stakeholders is vital for confirming that our proposed activities will mitigate environmental impacts and risks to acceptable levels. We welcome input from individuals and organisations whose interests may be affected by our initiatives.

Wandoo Field Geophysical and Geotechnical Environment Plan

Vermilion is preparing for near field exploration drilling to identify and confirm viable hydrocarbons to support further development of the Wandoo Field. A geotechnical and geophysical survey is required to evaluate the environment at the proposed drilling locations and confirm suitability for a Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (MODU). Read more in the consultation information sheet, which includes summaries of potential key impacts and risks, and associated management measures.

Information Sheet


Wandoo Field Exploration Drilling Environment Plan

Vermilion has performed seven drilling campaigns over the life of the field and plan to drill one near-field exploration well in 2025/2026. Pending the results, Vermilion may drill up to four subsequent near-field exploration wells over the next five years, as per the Wandoo Field Exploration Drilling Environment Plan. Read more in the consultation information sheet, which includes summaries of potential key impacts and risks, and associated management measures.

Information Sheet


Environment Plans and Consultation 

In preparing our Environment Plans, we consult with relevant stakeholders to gather insights on the local environment, including specific concerns about the potential impacts of offshore petroleum activities at Wandoo.

This feedback is essential for assessing measures to avoid or reduce impacts on communities, heritage values, and ecological and cultural features of the environment. During consultation, your input will inform the control measures we propose in the Environment Plans to mitigate these impacts and risks.

Are you a Relevant Person?

You may be considered a relevant person if you or your organisation have functions, interests, or activities that could be impacted by our proposed activities in the Wandoo field.

As part of our consultation process, Vermilion is proactively reaching out to relevant stakeholders. If you are a community member, Traditional Owner, or business owner who may be affected by our offshore activities and have not yet been contacted, we encourage you to get in touch with us.

Contact abu.consultation@vermilionenergy.com or (08) 9217-5858 to register your details and receive information about our Environment Plans.

Your Feedback

To provide feedback on our proposed activities, please contact us at abu.consultation@vermilionenergy.com or (08) 9217-5858.

We will review all stakeholder responses during our ongoing consultation process and consider their implications for our proposed activities, making revisions to Environment Plans as needed.

Please note that your feedback, along with our response, will be included in the Environment Plans submitted to the NOPSEMA. If your feedback is sensitive, please inform us so we can ensure its confidentiality upon submission.

Fundamental objections, threats, social media comments, spam and petitions would not be considered as feedback as they do not meet the intended outcome of consultation.

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